Prepared specifically according to the traditional methods of the Buddhist Lineage of Dzogchen, namely the instructions of Mining Terchen Gyurmed Dorje, together with the general instructions contained in the four medical tantras of the Buddhist Tripitaka.
This incense was manufactured by practitioners at the Ngagyur Dzogchen Shri Singha Buddhist institute in Godawari, Nepal under the instruction of HE Dzogchen Khenpo Choga Rinpoche and Men Trul Geydak Rinpoche.
This precious incense contains many types of Amrita, the blessing substances created during the traditional “Drupchen” Dharma ceremonies conducted by great Indian and Tibetan masters of the past and present according to the original instructions of various Sutras, Tantras, and teachings of the oral instructions and hidden instructional lineages of the Dharma.
Auspicious substances that have arisen on this earth through the merit of gods and men, such as gold, silver, turquoise, coral, and pearl, the five precious substance, chief among which are some hundreds of various samaya substances where blessing power has not diminished, and which are born of a glorious radiance. And the beneficial natural substances of the soil, plants, and water that ornament the great places of accomplishment that have been blessed buy the Supreme Buddhas, Enlightened Bodhisattvas, the noble Arhats, and where the Dharmapalas and Dakinis are naturally assembled.
The Benefits of Dzogchen offering incense increase by the motivation of our virtuous thinking. As we make these offerings of Dzogchen incense to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of all times and places, these miraculous qualities will arise:
Aromatic cleansing clouds rise up and auspicious brilliant light shines. Beneficial deities and protectors multiply and the prayer flag of power unfurls. Harmful spirits are halted. Adverse conditions and obstacles are pacified. Decline and misfortune are cleared away and inopportune situations and karma are subdued. The pathways of true intelligence widen and the faculties of wisdom are clarified.
The phenomena of body and mind are happy and joy and laughter assemble within our good fortune. May the accumulation of merit be perfected by this sweet-smelling offering cloud. So may all evil thoughts and deeds be pacified and happiness and peace flourish in the world.
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