Семь царских сокровищ

Первоначальная цена составляла 4330 ₽.Текущая цена: 3250 ₽. 2438 

Uncover the mystical significance of the Seven Royal Treasures, symbolizing the highest level of worldly power. According to ancient prophecies, the historical Buddha was destined to become either a universal monarch or a great enlightened being. The Seven Royal Treasures are special phenomena associated with the universal monarch. Offering these treasures to the Three Supreme…

39 в наличии

1 — 3 2438 
4 2373 
5 — 60 2275 
61 + 1950 


Вес 0.65 кг
Габариты 28.5 × 17.5 × 9 см

9cm (3.5")


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