Амулет «Двойной ваджр»

Первоначальная цена составляла 570 ₽.Текущая цена: 420 ₽. 315 

Introducing our Colorful Crossed-Dorje Hanging: A Symbol of Wisdom Power and Protection Elevate your space with our exquisite Crossed-Dorje Hanging, radiating strength and wisdom blessings. At the center, you’ll find a beautifully crafted crossed dorje, measuring 2.8cm in diameter, symbolizing enlightenment and transformation. Designed with ease in mind, this hanging comes with a 23cm long…

75 в наличии

1 — 3 315 
4 307 
5 — 60 294 
61 + 252 


Вес 0.02 кг
Габариты 2.5 × 2.5 × 0.5 см

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